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"Nana(Yunhyun) has demonstrated her ability to engage with the challenges of these producing interesting and creative outcomes.   In all Design Studios, Nana has achieved outstanding results. She brings an air of maturity and passion to her study and applies herself seriously to whatever her task may be."
V.Victoria -Chair of School of design at RMIT

"Nana’s work draws you in with its mischievous sense of fun. Nana used this ability in her Master's project to bring people into closer contact with what it means to generate energy. Nana not only explores ways of generating power, but also helps create a dialogue on what we all need to do to generate this power in a more sustainable way."
C. Robert -A neuroscience engineer at the University of Basel

"Das Projekt von Yunhyun Park – Playful energy _ Energy harvesting by public interaction – ist im Forschungs- schwerpunkt des Instituts „Innovationen in Konzepten ökologischer-, sozialer-, kultureller- und ökonomi- scher Nachhaltigkeit“ verortet. Mit ihrer Masterthesis hat Yunhyun Park eine ausführliche Recherche betrieben und sich eine profunde Basis für ein weiterführendes Projekt erarbeitet. Sie ist in ihrer Arbeit an einem Punkt angelangt, wo sie für eine weitere erfolgrei- che Arbeit einen institutionellen Rahmen, Fachwissen der betroffenen Disziplinen und finanziellen Support benötigt."
W. Heinz -Institute Director, FHNW, HGK Basel

-----Translation------ The project of Yunhyun Park - Playful energy _ Energy harvesting by public interaction - is located in the research focus of the institute "Innovations in Concepts of Ecological, Social, Cultural and Economic Sustainability". Yunhyun Park conducted a detailed research with her master's thesis and developed a profound basis for a further project. She has reached a point in her work where she needs an institutional framework, specialized knowledge of the disciplines involved and financial support for further successful work. "
W. Heinz -Institute Director, FHNW, HGK Basel

Exhibition and awards    

40x40 Exhibition, Budapest Designweek, Budapest, Hungary 2017

Festival of Architecture and Interior Designing Conference, The Lalit Mumbai, India 2017

Shenzhen International Industrial Design Fair, Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center, China 2017

A’Design award Exhibition, Museum of Outstanding Design(MOOD), Como, Italy 2017

Rhy Art Fair Basel,Basel 2017

Performence exhibition, Tinguely Brunnen, Basel 2017

Cydonia Oblonga, Summe 2016, Performence exhibition, GGG, Basel 2016

Bricolage and Found Footage, Poetic Muster Medienkunstinstallation ,HGK, Basel 2016

A’Design award Exhibition, Museum of Outstanding Design(MOOD), Como, Italy 2016

Korea Innovative Eco business Awards, Seoul, Korea August 2015
Semi finalist, Vertical Solar Panel Railing system

A’Design Awards and Competition, Como, Italy, April 2015
Boundary, Textile design Award

Korea Junk Art Awards, Seoul, Korea, March 2015
Longer than Masterpiece, Wall decorations, Shortlisted

Korea Drama Festival Design Awards, Seoul, 2014, Korea
1st place, Official Poster Design

IBA Basel Urban design Competition, Bad Bellingen, Germany,2014
Shortlisted, Urban Design, Rhein Underpass Concept design

American Design Awards, San Diego, USA, 2011
1st place, Branding

Woodlake Patio Contest, Portland, USA,2011
1st place, Interior Decoration and Design

Stop Crime Design Awards, Melbourne, Australia, 2008
Stop-Crime Clutch Bag, Product Design, Nominated

Professional Experience    

Nanannani Design Studio, Design Director (2010- Present)

Air Liquide, Melbourne, Australia Designer, Draftsman(2008-2010)

Beautiful Room, Melbourne, Australia, Interior Design Assistant_Internship(2007-2008)

Ewoopnd Co. Seoul. Korea Interior Designer(2005-2006)

Korean Electrical Safety Corporation, Seoul. Korea, Business strategist(2003-2005)        

Publications and Press    

Park Y. (2017) Playful Energy, A year book of Design Award & Competition: Award Winning Communication Designs
Park Y. (2016) Playful energy , Master thesis, Institut Integrative Gestaltung | Masterstudio, FHNW
Park Y. (2015) Boundary, A year book of Design Award & Competition: Award Winning Communication Designs

Academic Background    

2016 Master of Art(Integrative Design), University of Applied Sciences and Arts FHNW, Switzerland

2009 Master of Design(Interior Design), Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

2007 Diploma of Art(Interior Decoration and Design), RMIT, Australia

2003 Bachelor of International Studies(Russia), Kook-min University, Seoul, Korea